Virtual store = PROFIT. Different from cost. A virtual store must necessarily be a source of income. It's almost foolish to even say it, but it's fundamental. A merchant or entrepreneur, a professional or a businessperson, approaches with one objective: to CLOSE the deal. Plain and simple.

Today, technology facilitates that task. Virtual stores make that task easier, as well as communication services and customer relationship management (CRM) tools.

For example, my agenda today includes conversations, consultations, and advisory sessions with my clients using platforms like Google Meet or Zoom, even WhatsApp video or chat. For me, for us, this means freedom and agility of movement. Honestly, I was expecting these types of technologies to streamline my work, and today they are a reality.

What advantages do I have? Several. Time is the most important one. Traveling consumes time and resources. Costs: A virtual store consumes only a tenth of the costs of a physical location. Let's compare rent, utilities, sales staff, and logistics of a physical store to hosting, domain, SSL, design, and digital marketing. These calculations are straightforward for anyone, especially if you are a manager, a financial professional, or a production director. Well, having both options is good. There's something for everyone. Not everyone wants to go out and roam the streets and shopping centers in search of satisfying a need or desire.

Virtual store = PROFIT. Different from cost

The theory that having a virtual store is just for people to look at it is no longer a valid argument, first to refuse to have a virtual store and secondly, to effectively not offer products via e-commerce.

B2B and B2C are old terms. Doing business with companies or doing business with end consumers. The question is ultimately about which avenue to choose. Intelligence calls for staying at the forefront and delivering through all possible means, quickly adapting to market circumstances and demands.

Digital tools serve precisely that purpose.

FACT: E-commerce sales increased by 25.3% until August. Source: Colombian Chamber of E-commerce in "Dinero" magazine. Let's wait and see the statistics for December.

Are you there? Are you part of this 25.3%?

Virtual store = PROFIT. Different from cost

Social customs have been changing and MOST LIKELY will continue to do so. Our duty as those who have been building the, now old, "information highway" is precisely to pave the way for this new wave of social progress by making them our own, redesigning these models according to our own idiosyncrasy and our own digital citizenship.

Technical tools already exist: greater and better internet access, high-quality cloud infrastructure, professional e-commerce consultancy services, and digital marketing. So, you are not alone on this path. It is our interest, mine and ours, that you take the next step and further consolidate your potential. That is part of our success.